Princess Kida

See "Circle-Quartered" in  Symbols

Atlantis Rises Again

New Age Spirituality for New Millennium Children

by Berit Kjos

Skip down to The Theosophical Society and Alice Bailey




Preparing for Victory

Long ago, the Greek philosopher Plato introduced humanity to a mysterious civilization which supposedly flourished 9000 years before his own time. He called it Atlantis and inspired his followers with grandiose descriptions of its power and politics, its amazing flying machines and its majestic temple to Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. But Zeus, the reigning god on Mt. Olympus, wasn't pleased. And so, we are told in Plato's Dialogues, the island continent with its magnificent city was swallowed up by the Atlantic Ocean in a massive cataclysmic event.

This violent finale breathed lasting life into the myth. Exciting stories don't die quickly, and the magic of Atlantis [1] seems to rise out of obscurity whenever a culture is ripe for pseudo-historical visions of popular occultism.  It happened in the 1930s, when Edgar Cayce, the "sleeping prophet," linked the mythical continent to "Mayan land" and, while in a trance, described its technological marvels and the re-incarnations of its inhabitants.

It happened five decades earlier, when Madame Helena Blavatsky was writing The Secret Doctrine for the Theosophical Society. It told about "revelatory spirits from the Orient" who brought insights from Atlantis and described its people as one of humanity's seven "root" races.[2]  Blending western occultism with Hinduism, she founded Theosophy with its occult hierarchy of ascended masters and laid the foundation for the New Age movement. (For more information about Theosophy, see Star Wars and The International Agenda)

The list of leaders that followed in Blavatsky's theosophical footsteps include Rudolf Steiner, who founded the Waldorf  Schools; UN leader Robert Muller, whose World Core Curriculum provided a framework for global education; and Dr. Shirley McCune, keynote speaker at the 1989 Governor's Conference on Education. In the book Dr. McCune co-authored, The Light Shall Set You Free, the mesmerizing myth of Atlantis soars into new realms of mysticism. Basing her understanding of spiritual realities on a blend of Buddhism and channeled messages from various spirit guides, she writes,   

"All humans have the natural ability to perceive dimensions higher than the Third... In Atlantis, humans in embodiment accepted this mode of operation and perception as normal behavior. The Atlanteans operated on this superior level of existence, connected to their Higher Selves. With the fall of Atlantis, humanity experienced a struggle for survival and became aware of the lower self, dominated by the will of the ego.  Now after thousands of years of evolution, most people have forgotten ... how to connect with higher dimensions...." 

"Walt Disney is a newly Ascended Master who is well known as a cartoonist, illustrator, movie maker and futurist. His mission on Earth was to create an awareness of the elementals and animals and to integrate the existence of these kingdoms into human consciousness." [3]

Today, some of the most demonic facets of this occult belief system is marketed to our children through Disney's latest animation, Atlantis: the Lost Empire. Featuring a brilliant but unappreciated Harry Potter look-alike named Milo Thatch, it quickly draws young audiences into a captivating quest to find the mythical city and turn fantasy into reality. 

Milo's knack for ancient languages unlocks the secret that puts Atlantis on his map. And when stodgy old civic leaders mock his dreams, the determined young seeker gains support from a yoga-loving old friend of his deceased grandfather. With such diverse companions as a karate-kicking feminist and a crude creature called Mole, he begins his quest.    

At the end of a noisy, fast-action journey, the adventurers find a civilization bathed in New Age imagery, colors and idealism. Ancient symbols, especially variations of the ever-present spiral and triangle, are carved into ceremonial stones and painted on masks that resemble the ritual attire of American Indians. "I've seen them back in North Dakota," observes a member of Milo's crew. 

A life-giving power-source energizes all life, lights and flying vehicles in Atlantis.  Each person is connected to this force through a personal crystal amulet worn as a pendant. Princess Kida uses her amulet to heal Milo's bleeding wound after she scratched him -- apparently to see if he was truly a flesh-and-blood person like herself. Later she uses the same magic amulet, like a car key, to start a vehicle. 

The crystal power-source that fuels these individual crystals is far more than an impersonal force. It "feels our collective emotions," explains the dying king of Atlantis, whose ghostly white eyes seem to be virtual windows for its mysterious light. This evolving force had "developed a consciousness of its own," he continued. 

But this spiritual life-source was not the only deity in Atlantis. Blending ancient polytheism (many gods) with Americanized Buddhism and New Age cosmic consciousness, the Disney movie gives its own reason for the city's disappearance: the "gods became jealous." In this story, the otherwise immoral Greek gods showed a politically correct intolerance for the Atlantean capitalism which had replaced the virtuous oneness of earlier times.

This timely moral message is stressed by the Dalai Lama in his foreword to Spiritual Politics. The book's co-author, Corinne McLaughlin, taught mediation (group consensus) strategies at the Department of Education, at the EPA, at the Pentagon and to the President's [Clinton] Council on Sustainable Development.[4] In her book she summarizes one of many occult messages given Theosophist Alice Bailey by her spirit guide, the ascended master Djwhal Khul. Notice how her vision of a collective society matches UN ideology:

"According to Ageless Wisdom, during the time of Atlantis there was a tremendous battle on the astral [emotional] level between the Forces of Light, who wanted to lift human evolution of materialism and separateness, and the involuntary Forces of Darkness, who wanted  to enslave human will and more deeply immerse humanity in matter. This resulted in the sinking of that ancient continent...." [4]

It seems fitting, then, that Milo's final battle should be against the heartless materialism of two mutinous team members who had stolen both the life-giving power source and Princess Kida. Actually, the two have become one. Having merged her own being with the life-force, the princess appears translucent as crystal -- perhaps as pure energy or spirit like the ascended masters of Blavatsky's Theosophy.

Naturally, the "good" hero wins over the capitalistic villain. In the end, the glowing, trance-like princess floats down from the skies in a beam of light and melts into Milo's arms where she regains consciousness and her human, flesh-and-blood form. The two gaze in awe at the glorious city now rising from the fiery waves.

The temple that emerges seems to be a blend of Hindu and Mayan temples. Yet the film's featured symbol -- a stylized eye in a triangle -- resembles the peak of the Masonic pyramid on our dollar bills. It, in turn, combines the Egyptian symbol of the all-seeing eye with the ubiquitous triangle featured in eastern as well as western magic. All these occult images and subtle suggestions lead the audience through a virtual experience in 21st Century multiculturalism that should please any globalist educator.

Children and parents go home with a fresh appreciation for "the beautiful side of evil." They might even stop and buy Disney's new Atlantis toys and Milo action figure on the way home. Few will be able to shut the doors of their minds to the movie's enticing myths, symbols, delusions and world view. Disney's mighty marketing arm will keep the lights burning for a long time.

To resist its lures, follow Job's example. He had committed himself to look away from attractions that might cause his mind and emotions to sin against God: 

"I have made a covenant with my eyes;

Why then should I look upon a young woman?

For what is the allotment of God from above....

Is it not destruction for the wicked,

And disaster for the workers of iniquity?

Does He not see my ways, and count all my steps?"  Job 31:1-4

What we see affects our thoughts and values. To help us guard our spiritual purity and safety, Jesus reminds us that forbidden scenes are out-of-bounds to our eyes as well as our hearts: "Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5:28).


Like pornography and sensual images of violent thrills, occult visions inspire occult cravings. Delighting in forbidden fantasies will dull our understanding of reality no matter how well our minds know the difference between the two. For the focus of thoughts helps shape the mental filter through which we understand reality and make our daily choices. The only safe guide to peace and purity in a pagan world is His Word. It tells us, 

"...whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." Phil 4:8-9



"According to Ageless Wisdom, there really is only one sin -- separateness. In the early years of World War II, Alice Bailey noted that we will achieve peace in the world only after we first create unity. ... The persistence of war is more likely to spring from rampant nationalism, ethnocentrism, and intolerant religious fundamentalism--all extreme and separative attitudes...." [9]  (See "The Global Quest for Solidarity" --  the opposite of "separateness." )


1. See "The Story of Atlantis," Encyclopedia Britannica online. Excerpts: "Atlantis was the domain of Poseidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, Cleito, he created a dwelling at the top of a hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her.... At the top of the central hill, a temple was built to honor Poseidon which housed a giant gold statue of Poseidon riding a chariot pulled by winged horses....  For generations the Atlanteans lived simple, virtuous lives. But slowly they began to change. Greed and power began to corrupt them. When Zeus saw the immorality of the Atlanteans he gathered the other gods to determine a suitable punishment."

2. Mystic Places (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1987), page 28.

3. Norma Milanovich and Shirley McCune, The Light Shall Set You Free (Albuquerque, NM: Athena Publishing, 1996), pages 104, 38.

"...a favored symbol of the Bronze Age was the spiral. And spiral images cropped up at old sites in Scotland, in Switzerland and in the rock-face carvings of the Zuni Indians in New Mexico. On a far larger scale, Donnelly contemplated the similarities between the pyramids of Egypt and those in Teotihuacan, Mexico." Mystic Places, page 23.

4. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics (New York: Ballantine Books,1994).page 257. See also "Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz and Soviet Education," scroll to 6th paragraph. She mentioned her involvement with the EPA, DOE, Pentagon and PCSD during a workshop Berit Kjos attended during a 1995 commemoration of the United Nations' 50th anniversary titled Celebrating the Spirit. 

5. Mystic Places (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1987), page 28.

6. Ibid., 30. See also anthroposophy

7. Ibid., 25

8. Ibid., 33.

9. Corinne and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics  (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994),147.

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